Determine How Many Portable Long Term Restrooms You Need To Rent - Luxury Temporary Portable Restrooms - The Lavatory Fresno

Whether you are hosting an event in a remote location or in a facility with minimal bathroom amenities, renting portable long term restrooms is vital. Besides, having a portable restroom can provide lots of benefits, as they are perfectly suited to cater to a formal party or sporting event. Portable restrooms are not only designed to accommodate the calls of mother nature, but they also use less energy than traditional restrooms, saving you money on water and electricity bills. Besides, you can find a plethora of companies offering long term restroom rentals in Fresno. However, determining just how many portable restrooms to get for your needs can be tricky.

Furthermore, there are a number of factors that you need to take into account when calculating the number of portable restrooms you need. Read on to find out four tips to determine how many portable restrooms you need to rent.

  • Number of people- Before you order the portable long term restrooms, you need to know how many guests are expected at the event. Furthermore, you can get by with just one toilet for about 50 to 75 people. More than that and you’ll want to start increasing. The general rule of thumb is renting at least two toilets for 100 people, three toilets for 250 and five toilets for 500 people.
  • Type of event- Are you planning an intimate outdoor wedding? Or want to throw an outdoor party? Whatever the case may be, knowing the goal of your event can lend a helping hand to determining how many portable long term restrooms you’ll need. Generally, for weddings and more significant events that are only an hour or two, rent anywhere between 2 to 4 portable restrooms.
  • Event length- Generally, lengthy events will likely require several portable long term restrooms. Furthermore, if your event is just a few hours long, you may not need as many portable long term restrooms as you would for an event lasting all day. A general rule is to have an extra toilet for every hour after the first three hours.
  • Event space- You also need to think about how large the event area is. Furthermore, if the area is largely spread out, you need to rent enough portable restrooms to spread around the area so people do not have to walk a long distance to relieve themselves. However, if the area is more compact, you should not have to rent quite as many since they will be in one central location.

While these were some of the tips and tricks to determine how many portable long term restrooms you need to rent, there are many others, such as activity level among many others.